Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Ramp (cutting, fitting, cutting)

Olliver: ¨Measure twice, cut once¨

We have finished both sides of the ramp now and we are starting to work out the flat-section soon. Also we have finished all the foundations yesterday... Good days

Support from the Locals

The very young Joel, who was born in this village already knew how to mix cement properly and was a good help for us. He said that he really is looking forward to finishing the ramp and try some skateboarding.

The sunset in Huanchaco is never the same.

Start Digging again...

Talking to a friend in Germany with experience in building ramps convinced us that we have to make the ramp longer and bigger. Therefore it not only influenced the size of the ramp but also the costs.

Volunteer James from Australia was a great help in finishing the foundation of the ramp.

And so was Morgan from the USA.

Some Changes and the Procedure

After considering the softness of the side we had chosen to build the ramp on, we decided to change to a more solid ground (which is the place shown on the picture).

Friday, December 11, 2009


Huanchaco is a fisherman`s village in the North of Peru near Trujillo. Especially in summertime a lot tourists visit this place to go surfing or enjoy the easy-going way of life here. Huanchaco seems at first sight quite wealthy, but a little bit behind it things look different. There is a small village called Tablazo where the people live under extremely poor conditions. Food is scarse, children sleep on the streets, the housing is poor and there is very little to occupy the children in their free time. Huanchaco inhabits quite a few Skater and every now and then you can also see some travellers skating around. Our plan is to build a mini-halfpipe up there in order to give the local children somewhere to play and to encourage the peoplefrom Huanchaco to visit the area and see the conditions for themselves.

Friday, December 4, 2009


In our team we have Olliver from England, who is very skilled in matters of construction. He did all the calculations and developed the plans for the ramp.
Juan Carlos is a local who is giving us support in getting all the materials. Furthermore he is going to be in charge of the ramp when we are leaving. He is the owner of a Surf-School in Huanchaco which will supply the kids with skateboard equipment and supervise the use of the ramp.
Then there is me, Hannes. I am in charge of the homepage and my task is it to get donations and convince the people of our project.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Ramp

The mini-ramp is going to be 5 meters long, 1,35 meters high and 2,5 meters wide.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

We need your help!

We are building the ramp ourselves and the only costs are for the materials. Approximately the materials for the ramp are going to cost us about 465 Euros. We will appreciate every offer of support in our project. Since Olliver and me are travelling we are financially not very flexible and Juan Carlos does not have enough money either, we are dependent on your support. We will provide you with pictures and documentations about the project to keep you updated all the time.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


When you are interested in the project and like to donate or your just have some questions, feel free to contact me under hanneshaeusler@gmx.de

Looking forward to hear from you